6-Steps to Setting and Achieving Goals for Women Over 40.

For many women the New Year is a popular time to start setting and achieving new goals. Although, of course, goal setting shouldn't be restricted to a certain time of the year. In fact, we can freely start setting and achieving goals any time we feel like it.

As a Blogger, Writer and Content Creator for women Over 40, I share ways to help women to thrive. Supporting women to become the best version of themselves through setting goals, and buildable action steps is at the heart of my writing. So let me delved deeper into goal setting.

To set and achieve goals for our future selves, we have to take steps to make that happen. We know that we can't wish and hope something into reality. We have to work towards it step-by-step, day-by-day, over a long period of time. At the same time we are contending with our inward chatter and the fact that many of us are being pulled in all different directions. No wonder it is hard to stay on track sometimes. Staying on track, however, is worth it, especially if reaching your goals is steeped in self love, personal development or anything for the higher good.

Goals and intentions. Are they really that different?

To me, goals are concrete outcomes like losing 5kg, getting toned, or running a marathon etc. Whereas, intentions are the steps it will take and that you action, to intentionally become that person.

I like to think of it as a recipe like making bread.

  • So your 'goal' is to make a loaf of bread.
  • To make the bread you need to have a list of ingredients. The ingredients are the plan you put in place, in order to reach your goals.
  • The method is the action steps you take consistently and over time to reach that goal.

Goals, in and of themselves, aren't really enough to get you to the point of generating success. Like making a loaf of bread- it's a process. Without the ingredients and the method, it's impossible.

To succeed in a goal to 'run a marathon', you would have to become someone who can run a marathon. You will need an action plan and a new habit of running most day.

How to succeed with any goal

If you were going to succeed in marathon running, you would need to start your new running habit slowly and build over time. Start too fast and too much and you risk giving in. Like making bread, if you don't do it in the right order and take the correct amount of time to allow for the dough to rise etc, then your bread will fail.

Let me share with you my pathway to achieving and succeeding in reaching goals, which will make up part of the Fast Track To Fabulous ebook series, coming soon. Be sure to join the mailing list here.

6 step Women's Fail Proof pathway to setting and achieving goals this year.

  1. Label your goal.  The goal may be to- 'run a marathon'. You could have a few goals on the go at one time.
  2. Intentionality- To reach that goal or goals, what do you intend to become to make that happen? Refer to the marathon running example above.
  3. Habit forming- What habits do you need to instil in your daily/weekly routine to reach your goals. Ie. If you wanted to intentionally become a marathon runner, you would have to start running for 5 mins every other day and build up to running longer distances.
  4. Action- You would need to consistently take this action towards your goals day by day week by week month by month. You have to really want something to keep up the momentum.
  5. Regular check ins- Check in regularly (daily, weekly and monthly) to ensure you are on track.6. Re evaluate- if some goals, intentions and action steps are not manageable. Change them.

So there they are.  My tips to setting and achieving goals. Please, may I add, do not use your goals and intention setting as a platform to internally 'beat yourself up' if you find you can't manage some of them (you know who you are!)  Failure is never really failure, it is just a call for re-evaluation (step 6). 

Let me leave you with this reminder, which I shared on Instagram @melindaktickel this week.  While you work towards this your goals and intentions, always remember to take care of your mind through self-talk.  The mind will believe anything you tell it.  Tell yourself enough times how much you love your body, your skin, your hair...everything about you and appreciate exactly where you are now, then you will start to blossom and give you the confidence to work on yourself and your self development.  

  • I’m Mel and the author here on the blog.

  • I help women with grey hair thrive with beauty and lifestyle tips that inspire self care and confidence.

  • Wife, mum of 3, author, hair and make-up artist and lifestyle mentor for women who choose to embrace their grey hair.

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